Collection “Maktub”

Абсент «МАКТУБ» ОригинальныйAbsinthe „MAKTUB“ Original

Volume: 0,7 l
Volume alcohol: 70 %
Volume thujone: 10 mg/kg

Абсент «МАКТУБ» ЧёрныйAbsinthe „MAKTUB“ Black

Volume: 0,7 l
Volume alcohol: 70 %
Volume thujone: 10 mg/kg

Абсент «МАКТУБ» КрасныйAbsinthe „MAKTUB“ Red

Volume: 0,7 l
Volume alcohol: 70 %
Volume thujone: 10 mg/kg

Collection of absinthes "Maktub" revives the original taste of the unique drink, known by its extraordinary influence on human thought. Mysterious elixir is prepared in strict accordance with the classic recipe of herbal tincture, developed in the late 18th century by French physician Piere Ordinaire. The combination of bitter wormwood, anise, fennel, melissa, hyssop, marjoram and mint has created an amazing riddle, kept in a single word "Maktub". 

"Maktub" is a word of Arabic origin and literally means: "it is written". This saying takes the idea that everything has happened, happens or will happen is already known, in other words, taking the very "FATE".
We can not say with certainty why, in the early 20th years of the 20th century authors of absinthe gave him the name "Maktub", but it is most likely that this was because of the unusual ability of emerald drink to give a birth at his admirer’s mind to thoughts and ideas that pass ahead of the present time, as if he had seen what is destined to be.